Usherette is Gene Marshall's uniform when she is working at the Regency Theatre.

SKU: 96408
Released: 1995
Retired: 2002
Circa: 1941
Designer: Tim Kennedy
Company: Ashton Drake
Price: $29.95
Story Card[]
In Hollywood lore it's known that in Gene Marshall's first publicity photos, she wears an usherette uniform. It seems that when producer Erik von Sternberg attended the 1941 premiere of his film Manhattan Nights, Miss Marshall was the usherette who showed him to his seat. Taken with her unusual beauty, the producer used Gene's own flashlight to illuminate her lovely, photogenic face. Then they returned to the lobby, where he announced his "discovery" to reporters amid the pop of flashbulbs.
Usherette is a jaunty four-piece uniform of velveteen piped with satin and accented with "pearls". It comes complete with jacket, short "tap pants", matching velveteen long pants, and a tasseled pillbox hat. Plus shoes...and even a tiny flashlight! Circa 1941.
When you have a dream to pursue, sacrifice seems like nothing. So you give up your comfortable, small-town life and move to New York City. You look for a job that will get you noticed by people in the movie industry...a job as an usherette in a movie theater frequented by celebrities.
For Gene, no job could be better! When not helping people to their seats, she can stand at the rear of the darkened theater, watching the films she loves and learning from them.
One evening Gene leads a tall, distinguished man to his seat. He catches a glimpse of her face in the beam of her flashlight...and at that moment, Gene's life changes forever!
Astonished at her beauty and taken with her poise, the man--a famous Hollywood producer--leads Gene out into the lobby to get a better look at her. He is not disappointed! Gene wears a tailored velveteen uniform in robin's-egg-blue, smartly accented with satin trim and "pearl" buttons. Her tasseled usherette's cap sits at precisely the right angle to accentuate her wide eyes and lovely cheekbones. The producer boldly announces he has made a "new discovery". As flashbulbs pop, Gene can hardly believe what is happening to her!