Gene Marshall Wiki

TelStar shows Gene Marshall at a reception.  This doll came with a "scrapbook" and two pages for it.


SKU: 03-39410-014

Released: 2004

Edition: 400

Circa: 1961

Designer: the Gene Team

Company: Ashton Drake

Price: $150.00

Story Card[]

The reception was in full swing, and Gene was having the time of her life.  A well-known publisher was planning to do a special book celebrating Gene's twentieth year in show business, and tonight's festivities were to announce the project.  Gene had made her way to a quiet corner, sipping a glass of champagne, when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Miss Marshall?"  The voice behind her was deep and rich--and unfamiliar.  Gene turned to see a handsome man in a tuxedo, tall and dark, with flecks of gray at his temples.

"Hello," smiled Gene.  "Have we met?"

"Not yet--and I thought it was time.  You're my assignment."

Gene laughed.  "It sounds like I'm a textbook!"

"Not really."  He smiled.  "What I mean to say is I've been assigned to work closely with you to record your memories for our book.  And so I'd like to present you with this..."  And he handed her a beautifully wrapped package.

Gene pulled away the paper.  There in her hands was a beautiful scrapbook, with her signature "G" inscribed on the front in silver.

"I want you to spend the next year filling this for me," he said, taking her hand and laughing.  "Come on and tell, Star!  Put in any memories you treasure: clippings, photos, memorabilia--anything that you can think of that's made your life in show business the special one."

And as she gazed into his deep, warm eyes, Gene added one more memory to her mental scrapbook...
