- 10th Anniversary Homecoming Collection
- A Lady Knows
- A Touch of Hospitality
- A Woman for All Seasons
- After Hours
- After Hours (Studio Wardrobe Collection)
- Afternoon Off
- Albuquerque Centerpiece Madra
- Albuquerque Centerpiece Violet
- Alibi Rouge
- All About Eve
- All About Eve Screen Test Trunk Set
- All About the Eyes
- An American Countess
- Anything but Nice
- April Showers
- Après Ski
- At Home for the Holidays
- At Home for the Holidays Take Two
- Atlantic City Beauty
- Autumn Lace
- Avant Garde
- Azalea
- Azalea Ice
- Azure Elegance
- Baking Cookies
- Batter Up!
- Belle of the Ball
- Bellwether Oona
- Best Bet
- Bird of Paradise
- Black Calla
- Black Ice
- Black Ribbon
- Black Ribbon (film)
- Black Widow
- Black and White Fantasy
- Blond Lace
- Blonde Lace (film)
- Blossoms in Blue
- Blossoms in the Snow
- Blue Avenue
- Blue Belle
- Blue Evening
- Blue Fox
- Blue Goddess
- Blue Heaven
- Blue Horizon
- Blue Parasol
- Blues in the Night
- Bolero
- Bon Bon
- Bon Voyage
- Bonnie and Blithe
- Breathless
- Bridge Club
- Bright Day
- Broadway Medley
- Bronze (Stepping High)
- Brunch With Katie
- Butterfly Shadow
- C'est Moi
- Cafe Ole
- Calendar Girl: Midsummer Magic
- Calendar Girl: That Extra Something
- Calendar Shot
- Calendar Shot (Auburn)
- Calendar Shot (Honey Blonde)
- Cameo
- Candied Lavender
- Careless Kisses
- Caribbean Kiss
- Cascade in Blue
- Cat Walk
- Champagne Flight
- Champagne Supper
- Cherry Crisp
- Cherry Smash
- Chocolate Truffle
- City Sleeker
- Cocktail Hour
- Cocoa Crisp
- Cocoa Rose
- Coffee Klatch
- Cognac Evening
- Cold Shoulder
- College Holiday Costume
- Color Deal
- Coral Deluxe
- Coral Kiss
- Cosmopolitan
- Covent Garden
- Crazy for Calypso
- Crescendo
- Crimson Sun
- Criss Cross
- Croquet, Anyone?
- Crème de Cassis
- Daily Threads
- Dance With Me
- Dangerous Curves
- Dark Desire
- Daughter of the Nile
- DeLuxe
- Decade of Dreams
- Decade of Dreams Separates
- Decade of Dreams Seperates Collection
- Deep Rose
- Deep Rose (Stepping High)
- Derby Dreams
- Derby Eve
- Designer's Dream
- Destiny
- Devil May Care
- Diamond Evening
- Dinner for Two
- Distant Venus
- Doing Her Part
- Domino
- Don't Fence Me In
- Dream Girl
- Dream Sequence
- Dreamy
- Dressed to Kill
- Dripping Moonlight
- Easy to Take
- El Morocco
- Embassy Luncheon
- Emerald Eve
- Encore
- Erik von Sternberg
- Essentially Gene
- Estrellita
- Evening Encore
- Evening Mist
- Evening Sunrise
- Everything's Coming Up Roses
- Everything's Coming Up Roses Plum
- FAO Showgirls
- Farewell Golden Moon
- Fascination
- Fashion Plot
- Femme d'Intrigue
- Filigree
- Film Fatale
- Fireworks
- First Close-Up
- First Encounter
- First Stop: Chicago
- Fit for a Queen
- Flame (Stepping High)
- Fleurs de Printemps
- Forget Me Not
- Formal Introduction
- Formal Introduction Special Edition
- Friendly Connection
- Fringe Festival
- Front Row
- Garden Party
- Gene's Birthday Party Set
- Gene's Croquet Set
- Gene's Director's Chair
- Gene's Dress Form
- Gene's Dressing Screen
- Gene's Gazebo
- Gene's Patio Set
- Gene's Picnic Basket
- Gene's Silks
- Gene's Swan Lamp
- Gene's Wardrobe Rack
- Gene Marshall
- Gene Marshall: Girl Star
- Gene Marshall Filmography
- Gene Marshall Wiki
- Gene Marshall and her Glamorous Friends Paper Dolls
- Gene Nude Body (Gene Caucasian Skintone)
- Gene by Carolyn Cook
- Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
- Gilt-y Girl
- Glammed Up
- Glissando
- Glowing Reviews
- Gold Sensation
- Golden Riviera
- Goodbye New York
- Grand Finale
- Green Eyes
- Green Eyes Studio Backdrop
- Hacienda
- Handsome Devil
- Heart's Afire
- Heart of Hollywood
- Heartless
- Heavenly
- Hello Hollywood, Hello
- Hello Portland, Hello
- Hi-Fi
- Hibiscus
- Hibiscus (Stepping High)
- Highland Fling
- Holiday Magic
- Holiday Shopper
- Home for the Holidays Take Two
- Honeymoon
- Honorary Hostess
- Hostess with the Mostest
- Hot Day in Hollywood
- I'll Take Manhattan
- I Do
- I Thee Wed
- Iced Coffee
- Imperial Costume
- Incognito
- It's Magic
- It's a Cinch
- It's a Wrap
- It Happened in Monterey
- Jack of Diamonds
- Jacket Required
- Jackpot!
- Jazz Note
- Jingle Belle
- Jonquille
- Kid Valentine
- Kiss Me, Gene
- La Nina de la Plaza
- Ladies Who Lunch
- Lady Cat
- Lady Director
- Lavender Lights
- Les Etoiles
- Licorice Threads
- Like a Fox
- Liquorice Crush
- Little Black Dress
- Little Blessings
- Lone Star Soiree
- Lotta Moola
- Love's Ghost
- Love, Paris
- Love After Hours
- Love Letters
- Love Madra
- Love at First Sight
- Love in Bloom
- Love in Louisville
- Lovely in Lace
- Lovely in Lace Cape Set
- Lover in Disguise
- Lucky Stripe
- Luminous Lavendar
- Lunch at the Green Parrot
- Mad About Mitzi
- Madra's Dogs
- Madra - Special Convention Edition
- Madra Lord
- Madra Lord Filmography
- Magnetic Dress-Up Paper Doll Set (Blonde)
- Magnetic Dress-Up Paper Doll Set (Brunette)
- Magnetic Dress-Up Paper Doll Set (Red)
- Mahogany (Stepping High)
- Major E. Laine
- Mandarin Mood
- Manhattan Holiday
- Marceline
- Mardi Gras Magic
- Marsha Hunt
- Meet Me in Paris
- Mel Loves Marsha
- Mel Odom's Gene Paper Dolls
- Men's Club
- MetroBenefit
- Metropolitan
- Midas Touch
- Midnight
- Midnight Angel
- Midnight Blossoms
- Midnight Gamble
- Midnight Romance
- Moments to Remember
- Monaco
- Monaco (film)
- Mood Indigo
- Mood Music
- Moss Rose
- Moulin Noire
- My Favorite Bow
- My Favorite Witch
- My Heart's Song
- My Sunday Chapeau
- Neat as a Pin
- Night Memories
- Night at Versailles
- Noble Invitation
- Non-Stop Hollywood
- Olympia
- On the Avenue
- On the Set
- On the Veranda
- Ooh-La-La!
- Ooh La La
- Oona
- Out for a Stroll
- Out of the Blue
- Paper Dolls (DELETE)
- Paradise in Pink
- Parfait
- Paris Flapper
- Park Avenue Prowl
- Pas de Deux
- Pearls and Pink
- Perfect Match
- Personal Secretary
- Picnic in the Country
- Pierrette
- Pin-Up
- Pink Lightning
- Pink With Envy
- Pinque Passion
- Platinum Dream
- Platinum Madra
- Play Day
- Playing the Field
- Playing the Ponies
- Plum Role
- Poised for Success
- Pool Pose
- Poolside
- Portland Madra Centerpiece
- Postcards From Cannes
- Premiere
- Presidential Ball
- Press Conference
- Priceless
- Promenade
- Queen of Hearts
- Rags to Riches
- Rain Song
- Ransom in Green
- Ransom in Red
- Red-dy for Love
- Red Fox
- Red Parasol
- Red Rage
- Red Venus